Resources for healing
Gallery related to mourning death of a loved one.
A collection of quotes, poems, and any artistic material that can inspire or help you to express yourself during the mourning love process. We invite you to submit via email any artistic material that you would like to add this page. All material used here are given rights to the authors and creators.
Summary of Death Be Not Proud (Holy Sonnet X) by John Donne
Jamie Anderson
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Edward Hirsch
Vicki Harrison
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Gallery related to mourning a broken relationship.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Frank Ocean
Mark Twain
Dalai Lama
Products we recommend
Here we will continually update with products you can use to help you through he grieving process
Lavender oil
This product can be used (not internally) as a means to calm the mind and help you sleep better during your grief.
Tissues are a most to keep around, especially when your emotions are fragile from grieving. You never know when you may having an outburst of crying, so keep these handy even when you are out.
Chamomile tea
If you are having problems sleeping, chamomile tea can help you to relax and calm your mind so you can get that needed rest.
Writing down your situation and feelings is a great way to help you during the grieving process. You may discover that you may have many things bottled up that journaling may help you bring to the surface. Sometimes the old fashion writing will bring out more in you than typing would.